Speed Up Firefox web browser
17 November 2009, 12.49
Diposting Oleh: Ari Sulistiono | lokasi Tag: Copas & Share
Monggo disimak, sori kalo belum sempet di translete ke bahasa jawa. :D
sumber: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/speed-up-firefox-web-browser.html
Mozilla Firefox is a graphical web browser developed by the Mozilla Corporation. Started as a fork of the browser component (Navigator) of the Mozilla Application Suite, Firefox has replaced the Mozilla Suite as the flagship product of the Mozilla project, stewarded by the Mozilla Foundation and a large community of external contributors.
Mozilla Firefox is a cross-platform browser, providing support for various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Although not officially released for certain operating systems, the freely available source code works for many other operating systems, including FreeBSD,OS/2, Solaris, SkyOS, BeOS and more recently, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
I am providing some Very Useful Tips to speedup your Firefox.
In your location bar, type about:config
Once it Opens You should see similar to the following screen
In the filter bar type network.http.pipelining
You should see the following screen
Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
In the filter bar again and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests
Once it Opens You should see the following screen
Default it says 4 under value field and you need to change it to 8
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Go to the filter bar again and type network.http.proxy.pipelining
Once it Opens You should see similar to the following screen
Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Go to the filter bar again and type network.dns.disableIPv6
Once it Opens You should see the following screen
Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Go to the filter bar again and type plugin.expose_full_path
Once it Opens You should see the following screen
Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Now you need to Create new Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer
Once it opens you should see the following screen
Here you need to type nglayout.initialpaint.delay and click ok
Now you need to enter 0 in value filed and click ok
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Now you need to Create one more Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer
Once it opens you should see the following screen
Here you need to type content.notify.backoffcount and click ok
Now you need to enter 5 in value filed and click ok
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Now you need to Create one more Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer
Once it opens you should see the following screen
Here you need to type ui.submenuDelay and click ok
Now you need to enter 0 in value filed and click ok
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.
Some more Tweaks
Enable the spellchecker for inputfields and textareas (default is textareas only)
Open lastfm://-links directly in amarok
Firefox Memory Leak Fix
Open a new tab. Type “about:config” without quotes into the address bar and hit enter/click Go.
Right-click anywhere, select New, then Integer. In the dialog prompt that appears, type:
Click OK. Another dialog prompt will appear. This is where you decide how much memory to allocate to Firefox. This depends on how much RAM your computer has, but generally you don’t want to allocate too little (under 8MB), but if you allocate too much, you might as well not do this. A good recommended setting is 16MB. If you want 16MB, enter this value into the dialog prompt:
(Why 16384 instead of 16000? Because computers use base-12 counting. Thus 16 megabytes = 16384 bytes. Likewise, if you want to double that and allocate 32MB, you’d enter 32768.)
Click OK to close the dialog box, then close all instances of Firefox and restart. If your Firefox still uses the same amount of memory, give it a few minutes and it should slowly clear up. If that fails, try a system reboot.
Now your Firefox will now be 3 – 30 times faster in loading pages.
You may share this document under Creative Commons License – Terima kasih telah membaca tulisan ini. © 2011 Ari Sulistiono, Indonesian Electrical Engineer.
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