Kalkulator Kapasitas Air Conditioner (PK, BTU, Watts) Berdasar Ruangan
28 April 2010, 06.59
Diposting Oleh: Ari Sulistiono | lokasi Tag: Ilmu Listrik
It is important to chose the correct size of air conditioner for a room. Too small and the air conditioner will be working too hard, the room will not be cool enough and you may get condensation problems. Too large and your air conditioner may be constantly switching on and off.
This calculator is to help you decide what size of air conditioner you will need.
0.75PK | 1PK | 1.5PK | 2PK | 2.5PK |
7,200 BTUs | 9,600 BTUs | 14,400 BTUs | 19,200 BTUs | 24,000 BTUs |
560 watts | 746 watts | 1120 watts | 1,492 watts | 1,865 watts |
Different brands of air conditioners use different ways of indicating their size, for this reason 3 different size equivalents are given:
- PK (Dutch for Horse Power or HP) which is the common sizing of air conditioners in Bali.
- BTUs (British Thermal Units) the common sizing used in America.
- The electrical power rating in watts (this is input watts not output watts).
The better a room is insulated the less air conditioning you will need. As a rough guide:
- A well insulated room might have thick solid walls, an insulated ceiling, close fitting doors and few or double glazed windows and not many people in it.
- An medium insulated room might have solid concrete walls, close fitting doors, an insulated roof and few standard windows.
- A poorly insulated room might have large window area, poorly fitting doors, a roof or walls that give off heat or a lot of people in it.
You may share this document under Creative Commons License – Terima kasih telah membaca tulisan ini. © 2011 Ari Sulistiono, Indonesian Electrical Engineer.
Tags: Ilmu Listrik
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Artikel berjudul "Kalkulator Kapasitas Air Conditioner (PK, BTU, Watts) Berdasar Ruangan", URL artikel: http://www.arisulistiono.com/2010/04/kalkulator-kapasitas-air-conditioner-pk.html diposting pada tgl. 28 April 2010
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