How To Integrate SIPROTEC Relay/BCU to NARI Automation System
29 Desember 2016, 17.07
Diposting Oleh: Ari Sulistiono | lokasi Tag: Protection Relays, Substation Automation
The advantages of using DIGSI 4.86 or higer version is more easier to creater report control block and in a single dataset may contains more than one report control block in a single click. Unlike in DIGSI 4.84 or lower version, each dataset is for one report control block.
But, in DIGSI 4.86 or higher version, the common problem during import SCL (CID or SCD) to another vendor HMI or Gateway is XML parse error. In this case, I’ll show you the thing that you have to do before importing CID file from SIPROTEC BCU or SIPROTEC Relays to NARI HMI and NARI RTU/Gateway successfully.
First, configure dataset and its contents (all signals which needed) and create the report (one report served one client such us HMI and Gateway). After finish the configuration, export the CID.
Second, before importing the CID to NARI HMI or NARI Gateway, you should edit the CID file and remove/delete unnecessary “Private” node in the CID file. You may use notepad++ or XML Notepad
In Notepad++, find and remove all section from <Private up to </Private>. And please don’t miss delete the other parts, otherwise the CID file will damaged or corrupt.
I suggest you to use XML Notepad to do this task, more safe and more easier for you. Download and install XML Notepad on your PC. Launch the XML Notepad and open the CID file.
Find all unnecessary Private folders
Push Delete button and search again using F3 button, Repeat deleting the Private folder until there’s no Private folder anymore.
Save the CID file then import it to the NARI HMI and NARI Gateway. You should have no more error during import the CID file. Thank God! Now all my SIPROTEC IED was successfully connected to NARI SAS.
If you still have any problem or question related to this subject, please don’t hesitate to contact me
Ari Sulistiono | | Substation Automation Engineer | Siemens EM DG Promoter
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Tags: Protection Relays, Substation Automation