How To Simulate SICAM PAS IEC-104 Connectivity to Master SCADA using ASE2000
22 Februari 2014, 21.22
Diposting Oleh: Ari Sulistiono | lokasi Tag: SCADA, Substation Automation
Regarding our customers now is using Master SCADA with IEC 870-5-101 and 104 protocol. All of RTU or SAS projects must provide this protocol and successfully pass the interoperability test. The new project of Substation Automation System has to be proof that the system is able to communicate to master SCADA via IEC 870-5-101 protocol.
During Commissioning or SAT, often the customer request to test the IEC-101 or 104 of our SAS using a standard protocol tester such us ASE2000. Even this is very simple test, sometimes if someone not familiar with this protocol tester, then it’s almost impossible to perform the test and the SAS project will be fail. This document provides the basic configuration of ASE2000 to perform connectivity test of IEC-104 protocol of SICAM PAS.
Basic Setup
1 How To Simulate IEC-60870-104 Protocol (Master SCADA) in Protocol Tester ASE2000
ASE 2000 communication test set is a protocol tester or simulator that able to simulate many kind of protocol. This tool is powerful, except the software GUI is not user friendly and minimal user guide available. This document will explain the detailed how to simulate IEC 60870-104 protocol of SICAM PAS using ASE 2000 as the Master SCADA simulator.
Before start the configuration of SICAM PAS and ASE2000. First of all, we need to connect an Ethernet cable of SICAM PAS PC and ASE2000 PC to an Ethernet switch such us Ruggedcom. Also, ensure that SICAM PAS has been installed IEC-101 and IEC-104 protocol license on it. Set the IP Address of SICAM PAS PC and ASE2000 PC with same class IP Address.
ASE2000 Basic Configuration
Please follow this step:
1. Click menu File and Select Protocol to IEC 870-5-104. To perform this, ASE2000 software must have IEC-104 protocol license installed on it.
2. From Properties/Protocol Specific/Host, enter the IP address of the SICAM PAS or any Controlled Station (such us RTU or IED device to be controlled). Basically, IEC-104 protocol only needs IP Address to make connection.
3. From Properties/Protocol Specific/IEC 870-5-104, review timers and message count parameter specific to IEC 60870-5-104 protocols. The defaults should be OK for most systems, but can be changed if necessary, depend on master SCADA configuration which will be simulated in this test.
4. From Properties/Protocol Specific/Exchange Defaults, enter the Common Address of ASDU in the Comm Addr field. This is valid only for Controlled Devices with a single common address. The procedure for devices with multiple addresses is described later
Exchange Configuration
Normal Communication
Normal communication to IEC 870-5-104 devices requires use of the Simulate Master function. Except for the TESTFR message, Send Once or Send Continuously will not work correctly.
For Simulate Master, all exchanges to be transmitted must be configured prior to starting the simulation session. In the simplest case, successful communication to a Controlled Station can be established by sending only STARTDT ACT. This message allows the Controlled Station to transmit point information according to logic configured in the device.
Typically, the Interrogation exchange would also be enabled. This instructs the Controlled Station to send initial data for all points. Enabling both the STARTDT ACT and Interrogation exchanges to be sent once at startup obtains all initial data from the Controlled Device and enables it for transmission of point changes.
No other exchanges need to be enabled. The ASE2000 automatically transmits housekeeping messages required to keep the link open and active.
To configure the STARTDT ACT and Interrogation exchanges:
- Double click the STARTDT ACT exchange to request the Edit Exchange Properties menu
- Set the Frequency to 0 seconds
- Check the Transmit exchange flag. Then Select OK
Repeat the above procedure for the Interrogation exchange
Other exchanges, such as command outputs, may be enabled to test other device features, but are not required. Other exchanges are enabled by following steps similar to those presented above. In addition:
The Frequency should probably be set to some value other than 0. A Frequency of 0 configures the ASE2000 to send the message once at startup. A non-zero Frequency causes the message to be sent periodically at the specified rate
Most other exchanges require additional configuration information such as an Information Object Address. Information specific to each exchange can be entered from the Edit Exchange Properties menu or from other menus accessible from there
After completing the above steps and steps described in the Basic Setup section, start communication by clicking the Simulate Master ICON
or selecting File and Simulate Master.
If there’s any message response from SICAM PAS with “<--“ sign, it means that SICAM PAS is successfully connected to ASE2000 protocol tester.
SICAM PAS Configuration
The only requirement of connection between SICAM PAS to protocol tester or master SCADA is the IP Address of SICAM PAS PC shall be identical with protocol tester “Host Connection”.
We can use the Default setting of SICAM PAS. There’s no any setting which necessary to change here.
The ASDU Address also not necessary to change, we can change the ASDU if the configuration of master SCADA request this setting. By default setting, for IEC-104, only IP Address of SICAM PAS PC is possible to make connection and perform the test.
Open SICAM PAS – Operation, update system if required then we’ll see that SICAM PAS already connected to ASE2000 protocol tester via IEC-104 protocol.
A sole exception to the requirement to send an initial STARTDT ACT message exists for the Data Link layer TESTFR ACT exchange.
The TESTFR ACT exchange can be configured for transmission by following the same procedures as for any other exchange. Additionally, TESTFR ACT may be sent with Send Once or Send Continuously. These functions cannot be effectively used with any other message.
Multiple Common Addresses
An IEC 870-5-104 device can contain data points in more than one common address. Additional setup steps are required for communication to a multiple common address device. Specifically, item 3 in the Basic Setup section configures the ASE2000 for operation to a single Common Address. If this setup step is followed, then messages received from a different Common Address will be unrecognized by the ASE2000 and will eventually result in a network disconnect.
For communication to a Controlled Device with multiple Common Addresses (multiple SAS, eg. FAT with many SAS project):
From Properties/Protocol Specific/Exchange Defaults, make sure that the Common Address of ASDU (Comm Addr field) is set to an *. This is the default setting and instructs the ASE2000 to recognize messages from any Common Address
Enable STARTDT ACT as explained in the Normal Communication section
There are two options for enabling an Interrogation. The first option is to send an Interrogation to the broadcast address, 65535. The second option is to send a set of Interrogation messages, one to each Common Address. In either case, do not use the default Interrogation exchange. Create one new Interrogation exchange for each request to be transmitted. Only one new exchange is required to send a request to the broadcast address. Multiple new exchanges are required to send separate requests to each Common Address
To create a new Interrogation request, either:
Highlight the default Interrogation exchange, select Edit/Copy and Edit/Paste, or Select Edit/Create Exchange Template and select Interrogation
For each new Interrogation exchange:
Double click the exchange to request the Edit Exchange Properties menu. Set the Frequency to 0 seconds. Check the Transmit exchange flag. Enter the Common Address, either 65535 for the broadcast address or a specific device Common Address. Select OK
To configure other exchanges, such as commands, for transmission:
Create a new exchange for each command to be transmitted by following steps as explained in step 4. Configure the message for transmission as explained in step 5.
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Tags: SCADA, Substation Automation